Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Month 1 Bites the Dust.

This week brings an end to my 1st month of Krav Maga lessons & hand on heart, I have never felt so empowered & full of energy. For as long as I can remember I've had a very laid back & somewhat lackluster approach to keeping a healthy routine in my life, but over the past 4 weeks I have been able to see glimpses of how much smoother the days go when a bit of order & discipline are implemented. This is somewhat ironic because when it comes to my 4 month old you could almost accuse me of being a little too regimental with his routine. But hey, it works for us.
Now, obviously I can't pin this new lease on life all down to the grueling classes I've been attending; a large part of the credit must be awarded to the changes I've made in my diet.
I'll admit that planning 5 healthy meals a week & sticking to them while simultaneously keeping a teething baby happy & striving to stay on top of housework has been a lot more challenging than I expected, but I've made it through thus far & have added some killer new recipes to my arsenal.
There have been long periods of time in my life where I paid no heed to what I ate, especially during my teenage years & early adult life. Lady luck just so happened to deal me a decent hand in that department & I have always been able to keep the weight off without much effort. But over the last few years - most notably during my pregnancy & afterwards - its how I feel when I eat certain things that I've started to notice.
So here we are! I'm going to be sharing my favourite recipes for anyone who might want to try them out. Those who have known me since before I got married are fully aware that I lack any sort of natural skill in the culinary arts. It's been a real journey of trial & error over the last few years & honestly only the past month that I've been focusing on nutritional value as well as flavour.

For now, my pictures are taken on my broken iPhone so are obviosuly not the best quality but I guarantee the food tastes delicious.

Sweet Potato Salad
1-2 large sweet potatoes
a handful of fresh strawberries
feta cheese
balsamic vinegar

1)add potatoes to a pot of salted water & bring to a boil. put heat on medium/low & cook for 10-15 minutes or until potatoes are soft enough to pierce with a fork but aren't mushy. 
2)take them out of the water & leave them to cool. while you wait, clean & chop strawberries. 
3)put as much arugula as you want in a bowl & add strawberries. 
5)once the potatoes have cooled, peel the skin, chop into chunks & add to salad with feta cheese & balsamic vinegar.

Zucchini Omelette w/ Strawberry Mango side salad.
Omelette Ingredients:
2 eggs + 2 egg whites
1 small zucchini

Salad Ingredients:
a handful of strawberries
1/2 mango chopped
1/4 cup of quinoa
lemon juice
sprinkling of chia seeds
olive oil

1)in a small saucepan cook quinoa with 1/2 cup of water. bring to boil & then simmer until water is absorbed; 10-15 minutes
2)wash & chop zucchini into thin slices. spray large pan with olive oil & cook zucchini with salt & pepper on medium heat until browning. 
3) whiz eggs + egg white in blender & pour over zucchini
4)while omelette cooks, wash & chop strawberries then mix with arugula, mango & quinoa if done.
5)in a small container or cup whisk lemon juice, chia seeds & olive oil. pour over salad
6)when omelette is easily lifted at the edges & brown on the bottom, fold in half & put on plate.

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